Recent Publications
Advanced Materials (2022).
Nature Nanotechnology: 1-9 (2022).
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 10: 4751–4761 (2022)
Nature 601.7893: 366-373 (2022).
Advanced Materials: 2108431 (2022).
Angewandte Chemie International Edition: e202114140 (2021).
ACS Nano, 15, 11, 16947-16952 (2021).
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143, 47, 19655-19667 (2021).
AlChE Journal 68, 1, e17438 (2021).
Chemical Science (2022).
ACS Nano 15, 9, 15229-15237 (2021).
Microscopy and Microanalysis 27.S1 (2021): 2860-2862.
Nature Communications 12, 1, 1-11 (2021).
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9, 17, 11033-11041 (2021).
Advanced Materials 33, 38, 2103067 (2021).
ACS Nano 15, 8, 12847-12859 (2021).
ACS Photonics 8, 5, 1286-1292 (2021).
ACS Energy Letters 6, 4, 1405-1412 (2021).
Science 371, 6536, 1368-1374 (2021).
ACS Nano 15, 3, 4226-4234 (2021).
MRS Bulletin 46, 576-587 (2021).
Nature Biomedical Engineering 5, 103-113 (2021).
Chemistry of Materials 32, 23, 9897-9905 (2020).